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Activities, Talks and Presentations

In this section we will advertise events and activities that you can attend if you wish, examples of which might include local walks and events, talks and presentations in the village halls on subjects related to climate and sustainability. If enough interest is shown, sharing and swap groups could be arranged along with other similar things.

Dates for your Diary:

Past Events:

Sunday 24th March 2024 - Great British Spring Clean


Community Energy Day
Saturday 24th February 2024 2-4.30pm

At Chudleigh Knighton Village Hall. 

Stalls, talks and interactive activities on energy advice, sustainable heating and transport.  Plus general tips for keeping yourself and your home warm.

Free Tree Hub
Saturday 27th January 2024, from 10.30am

At Chudleigh Knighton Play Park Car Park.

There will be hot drinks and refreshments available from the pre school opposite. 

Devon's treescapes are stunning and crucial habitats for so much wildlife. But they are under threat from Ash Dieback which is estimated to kill at least 90% of Devon’s ash trees in the coming years. It will affect everyone, but everyone can be part of the solution.

Do your bit by collecting a free tree to plant in your garden.

You will be able to collect between 1-5 free trees along with protection and a free planting and aftercare guide. The trees will all be cell grown UK broadleaf species such as crab apple, wild cherry, rowan and birch. They will be 2-3 years old and so around 20-60cm in height and will need to be planted within a few days of collection. The hub will be there until trees run out so ensure you arrive early to not be disappointed!

Local volunteers and community groups run our free tree hubs in their own time, so please be patient and considerate. We apologise if all the trees have run out by the time you get there – we never know how popular a tree hub will be! We are very grateful to Hennock Parish Council for hosting this hub.


Free Tree Hub Poster, 27th January 2023
Tree Hub photo including Preschool collecting whips.jpg
Community Energy Day.jpg
Great British Spring Clean Poster 2024.jpg
Dragonfly Walk 14th July.jpg

Nature Walk, Wednesday 2nd August 2023

If you’d like to have a stroll around Chudleigh Knighton Heath and have a chance to ask any questions about the nature it contains we have arranged a Community Nature Walk on Wednesday 2nd August, starting from the playpark car park at 7pm.

The Heath is the only place in England where you can find the Narrow-headed Ant and a number of birds including the Nightjar, Stonechat, Yellowhammer and Dartford Warbler can sometimes be found there.

Photo and details of Tree Walk 29th October 2023
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